Welcome to the Friends of Brunswick County and Friends of Shallotte forum!
Are you tired of facebook?
This is a place for free speech, however, this board is for focused on topic discussions only. The rules will be strictly enforced! Absolutely no drama or personal attacks will be allowed!
Try to keep all posts local oriented, or for visitors/residents of the county. There are designated areas for things outside of Brunswick County, if it belongs there put it there.
This is meant to be a place for everyone who lives, visits, works or has any connection to Brunswick County, North Carolina. All are welcome. Let's build a great community around a beautiful area!
This site is a work in progress but you can sign up now!

Wege, die Freizeit optimal zu nutzen

General discussion can go here. Anything goes within the rules. Posts that are topic relate still need to be posted in the correct category.
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Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:20 pm

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